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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round Cheats

Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheat mode:
Note: The following code requires an Xbox controller. At the options menu, 
press LB + LT + RB + RT to unlock costumes, Story mode progress, system 
voices, music, and some movies. If you entered the code correctly, you 
will hear a sound. This will not unlock the victory and defeat movies for
Raidou or Marie Rose, or any DLC costumes.

OMG Breast Motion option:
Lose with ten female characters to unlock the "OMG Breast Motion" option.
Note: This can be done in Solo VS mode by selecting a female character 
and watching the losing cutscene for ten females.

General Tips:
* As with any fighting game, you should experiment with different 
  characters to find which one suits your playstyle best.
* Dead or Alive 5 uses a kind of rock-paper-scissors formula in which 
  strikes trump throws, throws trump hold, and holds trump strikes.
* If you're new to the series, play story mode first and jump into 
  multiplayer after you finish it. The practice will definitely help.
* Take some time to learn combos. Button mashing only gets you so far
  in Dead or Alive.
* Spend some time in the training mode to hone your fighting skills.
* Don't worry too much about intricate combos when you first start 
  off. Just commit to memorizing a few simple ones and work your way
  up from there.
* Use directional inputs for blocking instead of buttons, as it 
  gives you more freedom to follow up with attacks/counters.
* Kasumi and Kokoro are good characters for beginners.

Unlock All Unlockables:
You can unlock all of the game's music, costumes, Story Mode progress, 
movies, and more by pressing L1+L2+R1+R2 at the same time. Once you do 
so, the game should indicate that it is saving your progress.

How to change the resolution of your game manually:
If you want to change the resolution of Dead or Alive 5: Last Round according
to your own desire you should go to Documents\KoeiTecmo\DOA5LR\DOA5LR.ini

Edit the above file in a word file of your desire and look for RESOLUTION= 
and change it to the desired value.

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