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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit Cheats

Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit

Cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes at any menu before starting a race to 
activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect Code 
madland   - All cars are fast in single race mode
ckjones   - Colored cars mode
merc      - Mercedes CLK GTR bonus car
dcop      - Diablo pursuit car
elninor   - El Niño bonus car
ecop      - El Niño pursuit car
empire    - Empire City track
allcars   - Enable all cars
gofast    - Fast car in single race mode
newcars   - Jaguar XJR-15 and all secret police pursuit cars
jag       - Jaguar XJR-15 bonus car
bullhorn  - Police yell comments during chase
rushhour  - Race with more traffic on the road
macr      - All pursuit mode cars
go09      - 65 Mustang
go10      - 66 Chevy Pickup
go05      - 71 Plymouth Cuda
go04      - BMW 5 Series
go13      - Caprice Classic Taxi
go03      - Cargo Truck
go14      - Chevy Cargo Van
go17      - Crown Victoria Cop Car
go08      - Ford Fullsize Van
go06      - Ford Pickup with Camper Shell
go19      - Grand Am Cop Car
go07      - Jeep Cherokee
go21      - Knock Out Loser Truck
go01      - Mazda Miata
go18      - Mitsubishi Eclipse Cop Car  
go11      - Range Rover
go20      - Range Rover Cop Car/Ranger Vehicle
go12      - School bus
go16      - Sedan
go02      - Toyota Landcruiser
go00      - Volvo Convertible
go15      - Volvo Station Wagon

To get all cars type-Allcars:
Richie Rich, Submitted the following Information:
Email: prabhjot91@hotmail.com

To get different traffic cars type-

To go fast type - gofast(only in single race)

Short cuts:
Submitted by: jasmeet
Email: jasmeetj@rediffmail.com

1.After the initially left, right, right, right turns, now during the
next long and gradual left turn, there is a shortcut entrance in the 
right wall. Upon exiting the shortcut, turn right.

2.Right before you go through the tunnel that takes you back onto the
boardwalk, you can go off the road to the left and go over the tunnel,
and land back on the track on the other side. It doesn't really save 
any time, but if it's a choice between going around and slamming into
the side of the tunnel, go around.  
1. After driving past that "Electronic Arts" landmark (at roughly half
way into a lap), take the left path, then right. You'll immediately see
a shortcut entrance in the right wall. Upon exiting the shortcut, you'll 
need to turn right. 
-=Country Woods=-
1. (Backwards) There is one difficult left hairpin turn after all those
90 degrees sharp turns (at about half way into a lap). Instead of making
that hairpin turn, do this: A few seconds before approaching that hairpin
turn, you can make a sharp left turn (with the help of your handbrake) 
and drop to the lower level. While still in the mid-air, continuously 
press that L1 reset button. You'll immediately recover from that crash
landing and "skip" that hairpin turn. This saves you at least 3 seconds.
One other trick on this track: 
There is one big and high jump at the beginning of this backward track
(your car hitting the roof of the tunnel). Once landed, keep straight 
and accelerate all the way till you hit hard at the wall. When you crash,
immediately press the L1 reset button to continue. This way you don't 
have slow down to make that 90 degree turn and can easily gain 2+ seconds. 
-=Empire City=-
1. There are light poles on your LEFT side when you just pass the start/
finish line. Immediately before the 4th light pole, you'll find a shortcut
entrance. After exiting the shortcut, go STRAIGHT. There is a wall in 
front of you but a little bit to your left is another shortcut entrance.
Upon exiting this shortcut, turn right.

2. Immediately after the second SET of concrete pillars (when near the 
end of a lap), you will easily see a "fake wall" on your right side. 
Drive through it and you'll drop to the lower level. This saves you 2
to 3 seconds.  
-=Redrock Ridge=-
1. About half way into a lap, you'll have to make a difficult left hairpin
turn. There is an alternative left turn immediately before that hairpin 
-=Rocky Pass=-
1. Where you see the falling-rock road sign, right past that sign, there
is a small and short cave tunnel off-road to you right. Driving through 
it instead of making that sharp right turn on the road will save you 
some time. 

Daniel , Submitted the following Information:
Email: lieytenant4000@yahoo.ca

Type \"cars\" to get all the cars and type \"empire\" to get the bonus
track. (type in cheat codes at the race menu.

Empire city shortcut: 
Submitted by: Kanha
Email: hemendra@netfundu.com

Move from the starting line, after 2-3seconds two big boxes will appear,
there will be a gap between them some so go throughthe gap,then when you
are out move slightly left you will se some lights ,dash the lights go 
through the buildings. It save7-8second.

Super Jumps in Empire city:
Submitted by: Kanha
Email: hemendra@netfundu.com

In the empire city there is an 390 degree turn, Before you go for that turn
you move down.So the tip is that before you move down, move right there will
be a small open passage move on that passage with full speed and at the end 
you willjump on other passage but dont slowndown speedup more the real jump.
For more high speed use the cheat (gofast).

Submitted by: Liam Appelbe
E-mail: appelbe@pipeline.com

Go to the main menu then options then user name and type in rocket to get a
car called El Ninio and when compared withother cars on the compare screen 
it has full stats for everything!

Submitted by: Gautam Kaviraj
E-mail: bond@go4i.com

In the Aquatica Track there is a shortcut just after the first tunnel and the
bridge .It will save your 8-10 seconds.

Submitted by: Mohamad kazem Motallebi
E-mail: kazemturbo@hotmail.com

All cars, all tracks:
Enter SPOILT as a name.

Advance options:
Win both knockout and tournament on simulation mode.

Bonus tracks:
Enter the following names at the options screen, then select single race mode.

Track name    Description
The room    - Toy car track
Caverns     - Underground
Auto cross  - Canyon
Track       - GLDFSH
Space race  - Space
Scorpio 7   - Underwater
Empire      - Bonus         

Submitted by: Nawang Dhondup
E-mail: iversonaw3@aol.com

You can do like if you wanna make a new car. then you go to two player and you get
the 1st controller would be the cop, and 2nd you get to pick any car right and then
don't use the 2nd controller use the 1st so you can catch em easily right. 
And thats all

Cheat mode:
Type the cheats below at any menu to activate the cheat. 

Code          Result  
rushhour    - Race with lots of traffic on the road.
empire      - Race on the Empire City track.
elnino      - Race with the El Nino car.
merc        - Race with the Mercedes CLK GTR.
gofast      - Make your car go super fast in Single Race mode.
allcars     - Enable all cars including Pursuit Vehicles. 
jag         - Race with Jaguar XJR-15. 
spoilt      - All Cars, All Tracks, El Nino-Auto 
pioneercars - All Cars, also the Pursuit-Cars 

text: Type bullhorn at the main menu
Result : Police will shout out messages when you are being chased

by: jigarp@bom5.vsnl.net.in

Type the cheats below then click RACE to drive the 
different non-player cars. 

go01 - Miata
go02 - Toyota Landcruiser
go03 - Cargo Truck
go04 - BMW 5 Series
go05 - 71 Plymouth Cuda
go06 - Ford Pickup with Camper Shell
go07 - Jeep Cherokee
go08 - Ford Fullsize Van
go09 - 64/65 Mustang
go10 - ~66 Chevy Pickup
go11 - Range Rover
go12 - School bus
go13 - Taxi - Caprice Classic
go14 - Chevy Cargo Van
go15 - Volvo Station Wagon
go16 - Sedan
go17 - Crown Victoria Cop Car
go18 - Mitsubishi Eclipse Cop Car
go19 - Grand Am Cop Car
go20 - Range Rover Cop Car/Ranger Vehicle
go21 - Cargo Truck (same as 03)

Country Woods shortcut:
There is a shortcut in the Country Woods track that can save 18 seconds on
your time. It is located where the fence ends near a lot of trees.

Atlantica shortcut:
When you are at the split roads, stay to the right. A wooden passage will 
be visiable at the second split. Use the hand brake and turn into it. Then
drive straight. You then have to go left and then straight. After that, 
turn right. 

When you are at the split roads where one is higher than the other, stay to the 
right and go into the opening

More distance between the police:
After the police are on your tail, flip a U-turn by pressing [Space] 
(E-Brake) so you are heading right for them. Once you pass them, they will
also turn around. Flip another U-turn and quickly accelerate. Flipping the
U-turn takes the police more time, and will give you a couple more seconds
to get ahead of them.

How to get the BF injection:
Submitted by: Nemo_C

This is the rarest car in the game.. there is only one, it is the car that 
joey leone is working on whenever you meet him, to get it first complete 
all the missions then go to the car park near the your garage in the first 
island. It will be there.

Submitted by: AKASH

To get different cars just go to the main menu& simply type go01 different
cars are unlocked by go up to 20.

Submitted by: Ashish Anand

Open the folder of nfs then in that open the floder of championship then you 
will see something like this:-m_AvailableCarList[2]=vx220. Now delete the 
name of all the early cars and do something like this:-
now it will be easy to when the early stage because speed of your car will
250+ and your oppsite will have just below 180(till 22 event).

Submitted by: Naumankhan

In the game folder go to game data and then car model and then vcop folder
open it by and text editor and lower the number given in this police cannot
catch you.

Submitted by: khalid aziz

enter these cheats at the maun menu

cheat  result
ecop : you will get elnino cop
dcop : you will get diablo cop

Submitted by:naveen

IN NFS FOLDER OPEN CARS THEN SELECT A CAR eg:vipergts in vipergts folder 
open cop car change the mass of the car into zero.

Easy wins with a police car:
Choose any track and set it to eight laps. Do not chase after the cars. Instead,
go backwards until you find a good narrow road and set a spike strip on one side 
of the road. Then, turn sideways on the other side and wait until someone appears.
If they crash into you, turn on your siren; if they go over the spike strip, get
as close to him as possible to arrest them. Repeat this until all of them are 
Note: If the road is not narrow enough, they can get around you.

Catch person easily:
Note: This works well when using the Pursuit Elino. If you want to catch a person
in a car, use this three step process. First, do not turn on the siren. Second, 
catch up and get to the side of the car that you want to give a ticket to. Finally,
smash into them and turn on the siren. This should put them into the wall and stop 
them by putting your car like the top of a "T" to the other car. Note: If you have 
the siren on earlier than the third step, then the opponent will drive faster and 
it is more difficult.

Transforming stone:
Select the Mercedes SL 600 and the Hometown track. Enable the gofast code and turn 
on the "Mirror" option. Drive in the town and change the camera to the inside view. 
When riding on the left side, you will see only gray stone. At an open place where 
you can park cars you will see a full path of plants in the rearview mirror. 
When driving on it, some stone returns to gray stone, some do not. 

More distance between the police: 
After the police are on your tail, flip a U-turn by pressing [Space] (E-Brake) so 
you are heading right for them. Once you pass them, they will also turn around. 
Flip another U-turn and quickly accelerate. Flipping the U-turn takes the police 
more time, and will give you a couple more seconds to get ahead of them.

How to lose cops:
If a cop is right on your tail, do a 180 spin and speed past him, then do another
180 spin and speed past him again. The cop will be confused, and you can continue
on your way.

Empire City shortcut:
After the first shortcut, go across the street. Just before the town hall/big 
building is a section where you can go to the far right and pull off the road.
You will then be on a raised platform. Keep driving when it ends and you will 
fly off before reaching the road again. Turn to the right and go through. 
Immediately after the elevation and just before old town is a location to the 
right that resembles a wooden fence with graffiti. Run into it and go through 
the little "tunnel" before falling out onto the road again.

Easy way to get more bounty:
Submitted by: Saidul

East Gorge Canyon - Point Of Impact - Can be completed in under 2 minutes relatively 
easily and you will gain 8000+ XP every time. 7 racer events do get you more XP but 
the races take that much longer to finish, I'd suggest finding some mid-range hot pursuits 
with up to 5 cars and just hammer away over and over. You'll get more races in and make 
more XP.

Titanic ship in Aquatica:
When racing in Aquatica in Forward Direction, there is a dark seaside area close to the
hairpin turn known as the "Orchard Hairpin". If you stop your car here and keep observing
the ocean, you will find the Titanic ship sailing across the ocean after regular intervals
of time.

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